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Article: First grade experiment

First grade experiment

The first graders in room 210 did an experiment today to observe what happened to our "ghost" balloons when we combined baking soda and vinegar inside a water bottle.  
Students predicted what they thought would happen and then observed the experiment.
After we watched the "ghost" balloons many of them said they observed the balloons grow- but when asked, they were able to confirm that even though one of the things that makes something alive is that it can grow, our ghost balloons were NOT alive.  We learned that what happened inside the bottle was a reaction between the baking soda and vinegar that created the bubbles students observed, and the air in THOSE BUBBLES made the ghost balloon grow. We also drew and labeled our predictions and observations. Students worked hard to listen for the sounds in the words they wanted to write.
So proud of the students great observations and that they were not fooled by these "growing ghosties!"

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