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Sick Day Guidelines

Guidelines for Keeping Students Home from School

The following guidelines are used to determine whether a student should be in school or kept home. Please keep in mind that our exclusion from school guidelines may change as advised by Local, State and/or Federal guidance as a response to Public Health concerns.

  • Temperature over 100.0 F degrees. Your child should remain home until they have been fever free for a full 24 hours without the use of a fever reducing medication (Tylenol, Advil or Motrin). If your child is sent home from school with a fever they should not return to school on the following day.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours. If your child is sent home from school with vomiting and /or diarrhea or if your child has an episode of vomiting and/or diarrhea during the night, they should not be sent to school the following day.
  • Cold symptoms (uncontrolled) including an excessively runny nose, persistent cough, sore throat and headache. Over the counter medications will not be given by school staff. If the symptoms are severe and/or disruptive to the school environment they should be kept at home until the symptoms have resolved. 
  • Skin rash. Skin rashes are often difficult to evaluate. Skin rashes of unknown origin should be evaluated by your physician to determine what the rash is prior to sending your child to school. A student with a skin rash of unknown origin may be sent home from school until the rash is identified as non-contagious.
  • Open and draining area on skin. All open wounds should be covered when your child is in school. A wound that is red, warm to touch, or looks like a boil should be evaluated by your physician.
  • Pink Eye. Reddened eye(s) with discharge that causes crusting on the eyelashes and difficulty opening the eye(s) upon awakening. This may indicate Pink Eye or conjunctivitis. This can be contagious and requires a visit to your physician. Your child should remain home for 24 hours after beginning medical treatment.
  • Head Lice. NWLSD follows a nit-free policy. Your child may not be in school until they are completely nit free. All students home from school with head lice are to report to the Health Office with a parent/guardian upon their return to school prior to going to the classroom to be cleared for re-entry. Head lice should be treated and the student nit free and return to school. Up to 3 school days will be excused for treatment. Check with the Health Office at your child's school for more information.
  • Pain and/or generally not feeling well. If your child has pain and is not their typical self in the morning, ask yourself whether the child will be able to pay attention and participate in class. If the answer is no, keep your child home; they may be coming down with an illness. We realize that you know your child best and we want them in school healthy, and ready to learn.

While these guidelines are not all inclusive, the Nurse/Health Assistant may send a student home if it appears that the student may have an illness. The parent may be asked for documentation from the physician prior to the student returning to school. The Ohio Department of Health Communicable Disease chart serves as the guidelines for determining the recommendations for the student.

In the event of a true emergency, 911 will be called first and then every attempt will be made to contact the parent or designated persons on the Emergency Medical Authorization.

If at any time the parent has questions or concerns about the health and well-being of the student, please contact the Health Office and speak with the Nurse or Health Assistant.