Voice Recognition
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White Oak Middle School

Arrival/Dismissal Information

Morning Procedures:

  1. The building opens at 6:50 a.m. Students should not be dropped off prior to 6:50 a.m.

  2. Students who arrive by car should be dropped off at the main entrance in the front

circle. Please do not drop students off in the bus lot as buses and school personnel use that entrance.

  1. Staff members are available to assist if needed.

  2. The tardy bell rings at 7:15 a.m. Students who arrive late must be buzzed in through the main office where they will sign in.

  3. Students will have breakfast in their homerooms.

Dismissal Procedures:

  1. Parents may pick up their children in the front circle of the building. Please do not attempt to pick up in the bus lot.

  2. Students who stay after school for a sport or sponsored activity should report to the cafeteria and wait for their coach/ sponsor to pick them up.

  3. Students are not permitted to stay on school grounds unsupervised after 2:15.